How to access : Overview
The Integrated Data Service (IDS) is designed for government analysts, devolved administrations and external accredited researchers.
You must be an accredited researcher to access data in the IDS, as stated by the Digital Economy Act (DEA) 2017.
Applying for accreditation
Ordinarily, researchers should apply for accreditation through the Research Accreditation Service (RAS).
The third-party supplier of the RAS solution will no longer provide this service.
Therefore, no new applications can be started or submitted in RAS from Friday 4 April.
To replace RAS, new solutions are currently being developed.
The Project Accreditation Service (PASS) and People and Projects Service (PPS) will provide a new route for all project applications and researcher accreditations from Tuesday 29 April.
If you wish to become an accredited researcher or submit a new project application for the IDS, you may do so before Friday 4 April by emailing (opens in a new tab)
If your submission is able to wait for the new services to be available, we would encourage users to make use of the new routes from Tuesday 29 April.