Crime Survey for England and Wales
A survey asking people their experiences of a range of offences. Respondents are asked their attitudes towards different crime-related issues.
The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW), formerly known as the British Crime Survey (BCS), is a face-to-face victimisation survey. It asks people resident in households in England and Wales about their experiences of a selected range of offences in the 12 months before the interview.
Respondents to the survey are also asked about their attitudes towards different crime-related issues, such as the police and the criminal justice system, and perceptions of crime and anti-social behaviour.
In the Non-Victim Form (NVF) each case refers to an individual respondent and includes victim and non-victims. In the Victim form (VF) each case refers to an individual incident reported by a respondent. The VF dataset only includes victims.
All data hosted on the Integrated Data Service (IDS) are de-identified.