Ordnance Survey private outside space
Information about outside space for domestic properties linked to Valuation Audit Office record in England and Wales. Identifying information has been indexed and removed.
This dataset uses the private outside space for residential addresses in Great Britain, as supplied by Ordnance Survey (OS). It contains information on private outdoor space presence or absence for residential addresses.
This asset is the Reference Data Management Framework (RDMF) indexed version of OS private outside space. The unique property reference number (UPRN) level dataset provides private outdoor space insights for 28,818,909 residential address records from epoch 74 of OS AddressBase Plus for Great Britain.
The Valuation Audit Office record link is only applicable to England and Wales. The dataset has been indexed as follows:
- to the Geography Index: on Local Authority District, Lower layer Super Output Area, Middle layer Super Output Area, Output Area, postcode, region, country
- to the Address Index: on UPRN
This dataset is a part of the Levelling Up Integrated Data Asset and provides the mechanism to link multiple sources through the RDMF, to create a new comprehensive asset. This asset contains RDMF IDs in place of identifiable information. This is a snapshot in time.
All data hosted on the Integrated Data Service (IDS) are de-identified.